The Making of Pickett's Dream

The Making of Picketts Dream- Face head

Pickett’s Dream is a memory: of people, places, moments, longings, accidents of love—of something deeper than the material stuff of a tale that never happened. As fiction, it is a memory unaccountable to fact, and as its author, I have therefore lied in hopes of telling the truth. So, I give thanks to the places and people who helped to inspire the lie: who unwittingly came into my life to become a part of the story.

Pickett's Dream Cover - Christopher Carlisle
Scenes from Paris
The story of Paris & its journey into Pickett’s dream

Backstory of Paris “If Paris didn’t exist in the world, it would have to be invented. Something hangs in the burnished air that presumes its preeminence, as if to suggest that nothing on earth could have stopped this incarnation. In an otherwise hopelessly random world, there was nothing random about...


"If Paris didn’t exist in the world, it would have to be invented. Something hangs in the burnished air that presumes its preeminence: as if to suggest that nothing on earth could have stopped this incarnation..."

- Christopher Carlisle

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